In order to file your tax returns, you must have a Form W-2 for the calendar year. Hard copy W-2 forms should be mailed to the permanent address on file each year no later than January 31. Electronic W-2 forms should normally be available sometime between January 24 and January 31. After January 31, you can also print a copy of your W-2 form for last calendar (and prior years) using Leoonline. MIDAS ID/password required.
W-2 Documents & Information
Electronic W-2 Forms
- You can choose to receive your W-2 electronically via Leoonline.
- By consenting to electronic W-2s, you no longer need to wait for your W-2 to be delivered via snail mail.
- If you need a copy, you will not need to fill out paperwork to get copies of your W-2 from Payroll, which means no 24-hour delay for the required turnaround time.
- You must give us your consent to receive your tax form electronically.
Already provided consent? Unless you wish to rescind your consent to receive electronic W-2 forms,聽no action is required. Your consent remains active until you revoke your consent. If you have chosen not to receive your W-2 electronically or do so after the deadline, your W-2 will be mailed to the home address on file on or before January 31. Employees will be notified via e-mail and/or University Announcement when electronic W-2 forms are available.
Failure to Receive W-2
Employees who do not receive a W-2 in the mail can request a duplicate copy. Duplicate W-2 forms will not be issued or mailed until February 15.
- Complete the聽Request for Duplicate W-2 Form
- Sign and return it to the payroll office
- Please indicate whether the form should be mailed or if you will be picking it up.
Questions? Please contact Payroll.
Employee Compensation Tools
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